Head of Legal Swansea City Council

(vi) arrangements for the management of the staff of the Council (including training and development arrangements). Until her election as the Member of Parliament for Swansea West, Julie was a leading environmental and constitutional lawyer. Previously, she was Deputy Executive Director of Swansea Council. She spent most of her legal career in local government, working as a political lawyer for the London Borough of Camden before returning to Swansea to work for West Glamorgan County Council and then for the City and County of Swansea. Responsible for revenue and benefits. Direct support to the CFO and acts as a professional manager for municipal taxes, foreign tariffs, benefits and financial assessments of welfare. Urban planning and regeneration. Led by the Chief of Planning and Urban Regeneration. Areas of work include responsibility for providing City Council and County services for the regeneration of the city and county, including economic and commercial development, physical regeneration, downtown management, design and conservation of development control, planning policy, and the environment, subject to changes determined by the Chief Executive. The full Board will recruit individuals for the following positions to be appointed Chief Executive Officers, including those acting in that capacity.

Responsible for commercial services. He directly assists the CFO and acts as a professional leader in purchasing, business advice and operations, as well as compliance and implementation of the general authority for Welsh advice. (i) the manner in which the exercise of the different tasks by the Council is coordinated; — Council rules on:  financial programming; (iii) the number and grade of staff necessary for the performance of the Council`s functions; (c) If necessary, submit to the Board a report setting out the Director-General`s proposals on any of the above-mentioned matters. As soon as possible after a report has been prepared, the Chief Executive shall arrange for a report to be sent to each member of the Council. (iii) call a meeting of the Council to fill the vacancy in the office of President (Rule 88); (f) Access to Information Officer The screening officer is the appropriate person responsible for access to information and ensures that the decisions of Council, Cabinet and Committee, as well as the reasons for those decisions and relevant staff members` reports and briefing materials, are made public as soon as possible. The Oversight Officer will maintain a version of the Constitution and ensure that it is generally accessible to members, staff and the public. except for communications listed under the Chief Executive where the Comptroller represents the Chief Executive. Support the General Manager and overall responsibility for business, operational and strategic management for communications and marketing, human resources and service centers, legal, democratic and decision-making services and transformation service units, as well as contingency planning and civil contingencies. The Board shall provide the deputy head, the oversight officer, the chief financial officer and the head of Democratic Services with such officers, accommodation and other resources as they consider sufficient to carry out their duties. The provision of professional and impartial advice to all parties in the decision-making process, including Cabinet, oversight committees, General Council and other committees. Child and family.

Headed by the Head of Children and Families. Areas of work include responsibility for providing the Council`s social services to children and families. The Chief Financial Officer will be responsible for managing the financial affairs of the Board. The Chief Financial Officer, in consultation with the Oversight Officer, will advise on whether Cabinet decisions are consistent with the budget and policy framework. Roads and transport. Led by the Chief of Highways and Transportation. Areas of work include responsibility for providing Council`s highway, transportation, street, drainage, coastal protection, fleet and marina services. Responsibility for the exercise of the Board`s comptrollership function. pension management, administration and investments, municipal tax delivery, financial planning and management, housing allowances, internal taxes and accounting services.

Legal, democratic and business intelligence services. Headed by the Chief Legal Officer. Areas of work include legal services Where does this information come from? Most of the information on this page comes from the Solicitors Regulation Authority. However, some information may have been processed directly by the professional, the company or its representative. Learn more. All powers delegated to other public officials, unless prevented by law, are also delegated to the Chief Executive so that they can be exercised in case of emergency or in the absence of the competent official. (c) Support to the Standards Committee The Monitoring Officer contributes to the promotion and maintenance of high standards of conduct by assisting the Standards Committee. i) The Chief Financial Officer cannot be the Oversight Officer or the Head of Democratic Services.

¢ the number and level of remuneration of staff required for the exercise of democratic services; (a) assist and advise the Authority in its meetings;. (h) Indicate whether the decisions of the Council`s constitutional bodies are within the budgetary and political framework The follow-up officer will indicate whether the proposed decisions are in line with the budget and the political framework.

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