What Is the Texas Law on Window Tint

When making the decision to tint your vehicle`s windows, it`s important to keep in mind that each state has specific laws about how dark your windows are tinted. People ask, “How much does a window-tinted ticket cost in Texas?” This question is among the most common car owners. The fine may vary depending on the county where you receive a ticket. In addition, fees are determined by: In addition, Texas law requires drivers to have a certificate and sticker from the window installers (i.e. us, Tintix!) and the manufacturer of the window tint film, which we are more than happy to provide here at Tintix. The aggrieved party (or “potential plaintiff”) must blame the other driver`s fault for the collision during an insurance claim or personal injury lawsuit in Texas. The plaintiff may hire a Texas auto accident attorney to help discharge this burden of proof. A lawyer can review the accident, piece it together with the help of experts, talk to eyewitnesses, take photos, and take other steps to prove that the driver caused the collision due to lack of visibility due to an illegal tint. If the other driver could not reasonably see the road due to illegal tints, he can be held financially responsible for the full extent of the injuries and damage suffered by the victims. Excessive tint can cause dangerous traffic accidents and lead to serious bodily injury or death.

Similarly, vehicles used for medical purposes are also exempt from compliance with Texas window tint laws. If you have a medical reason for requiring a darker shade on your car, you will need a signed statement and a statement from a licensed physician or ophthalmologist to apply for an exemption from the Texas Department of Public Safety`s Division of Regulatory Services. The answer is that it depends. It is legal for cars to have 5% tint on the rear side windows, and 5% tint can also be used on the rear windows as long as the vehicle also has side mirrors. However, the 5% tint cannot be used on the passenger window or windshield (regardless of the part). Exceptions to these laws are if the car qualifies for an exemption. Some eligible cars include buses, taxis, limousines and law enforcement vehicles. The Lone Star State requires that windshield windows allow at least 70 percent of outside light to enter vehicles. A tinted windscreen shall also have a luminous reflectance not exceeding 25 %. This number indicates the amount of light reflected through a window.

Texas has banned red, amber and blue hues. The short answer is NO. In Texas, tinted windows must have a light transmission value of at least 25%. However, this does not apply to persons with a medical exemption. Drivers with certain eye conditions can get a medical exemption that allows them to ignore Texas` tint law, which states that legally tinted windows must have a light transmission value of at least 25 percent. Drivers can access a complete copy of all laws regarding the use of dye films for motor vehicles on the Texas DMV website or through their local DMV office. The main reason for the existence of tint laws is to ensure that drivers have good visibility day and night. Hue restrictions protect both occupants of the tinted vehicle and other drivers on the roads. Other reasons for the hue of laws include the need for law enforcement agencies to sometimes have to look inside a vehicle to protect occupants and the public. If a motor vehicle is not equipped with such mirrors, the rear window shall meet the following standards: different conditions have different limits for VLT (visible light transmission); These limits are intended to ensure that drivers can always see the road, other cars and any obstacles on the road clearly.

In areas where sunlight is less direct, the state usually enacts much stricter laws on window tint. In places like Texas and Florida, where sunlight can be quite harsh, the government allows a higher tint on vehicle windows. Below we list the darkest legal shade in Texas for sedans, SUVs, and vans. Texas also has specific laws and regulations on how your window tint film should be reflective: Some commercial and state cars do not have to comply with this state law. Buses, taxis and limousines may qualify for an exemption if passengers pay for the trip.

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